Wednesday, October 3, 2012

"Can You Hear Me Now?"

Here is the post for comments/questions on Turkle's "Can You Hear Me Now?"  Turkle's view on technology is very different from many of the articles we've read prior to this one.  While I know that many of you disagree with her and think that her article is a little overdramatic and extreme in its view, can you see any value to the questions she is presenting? I think the most important metaphor that she draws in her discussion of technology occurs with the question about the live turtle in the Darwin exhibit, does it matter that the turtle is real? Does it matter whether our relationships, conversations, and interactions with others take place face-to-face or electronically? Does it make any difference? Will it change the way we think, feel, or act as human beings?

And just for fun, a quote from "Mr. Roboto" by Styx:

The problem's plain to see
Too much technology
Machines to save our lives
Machines de-humanize

And the link to the incredibly awesome music video if you've got time to kill :)


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I think that it only matters that we are doing the interaction. People can still be productive in interaction using technology. Technology should be used sparingly as intimate interaction, but at least it is still interaction.

    1. I agree. Some interaction is better than no interaction.

    2. I agree with Alec

  3. personal preference. i prefer not interacting with anyone, anywhere. electronically is easier, but still mundane.

  4. Does it matter whether our relationships, conversations, and interactions with others take place face-to-face or electronically? I think it does matter. Face-to-face interaction and electronical interaction are very different things. For instance, one of my friends had never seen her grandparents because they live in Mexico and she lives here. She recently just saw them for the first time in her life, besides in pictures, over video chat. Now, dont you think that if she would have seen them in person it would have been a different situation? Face-to-face time is more meaningful. Dont you think?
