Wednesday, October 10, 2012

"A Portfolio of TV Commercials"

Volkswagon: Snowplow
Union Carbide: Chick
Alka Seltzer: Spicy Meatball
Quaker Oats: Mikey
Coca-Cola: Mean Joe Green
Federal Express: Fast Talker
Pepsi Cola: Archaeology
Levi's: Launderette
Jeep: Snow Covered
Energizer: Darth Vader
Got Milk?: Aaron Burr
The Gap: Pardon Our Dust
Honda: Physics
Sony Bravia: Bunnies
Dove: Onslaught
Tide to Go: Interview
Planters Peanuts: Perfume


  1. I love the Levi commercial. I believe a lot of these commercials are very effective and could still be used to persuade buyers today.

  2. These commercials are awesome! I can see most of them still having some sort of affect on people today. I enjoyed the Darth Vader Energizer Bunny commercial. I would have to say that one had me laughing longer than I would for any of the others.

  3. I would have to say that anything with comedy will still work for today. It makes it so that brand is memorable. Even though I don't drink and have never bought bud light, I remember them because they use to have the funniest advertisement. I think the same appeals go for today in our age as well.

    1. I agree. It seems like commercials are starting to not try as hard on the comedy aspect anymore though. The commercials for the Super Bowl, that used to be the best on tv, have really started to go down hill.

    2. Yea, commercials that have some sort of humor in them seem to be the best. Why? Because everyone likes a good laugh.

  4. This commercials were really awesome, i don't remember watching this kind of commercials. I think the Levi commercial was the best. what do u guys think?

  5. I think that the volkswagen beetle commercial is the best. I think that Jeremy is right when he says that anything with a bit of humor will work for todays consumers.

  6. The meatball commercial is so funny. Creates humor and a bit of culture to its viewers.

    1. i don't know, the old dude was eating little bites, after 100 takes he might have gotten close to finishing that big plate. i have to call him out on his old man BS.

  7. I just got thinking how I was not in class this day, but I can see how all the ads felt to you guys when you were in class. They were all appealing and advertising really does do something to a student and to a consumer.

  8. I present to you, the greatest, most effective radio commercial... ever;

  9. That Honda physics commercial was pretty cool and that Union Carbide one really persuaded me into getting one of those and trying it out. So I would say that some of these still do appeal to people today.

    1. Me too leonel, I want one as well
