Sunday, October 7, 2012

"Selling Happiness: Two Pitches from Mad Men"

The following links will take you to YouTube clips of the popular AMC series, Mad Men. The first clip   is from the very first episode of the series, and shows Don Draper making a pitch for Lucky Strike Cigarettes: "Mad Men: It's Toasted." The second shows a pitch for the Kodak Carousel: "Mad Men: Carousel." As you watch the clips, consider how the use of a single word, or the choice of one word over another, can increase the persuasive appeal of an advertisement.


  1. I watched the Mad Men: It's Toasted" and the first thing I said after is that it is so true. Anyone can look at any advertisement and see happIness in it. People just want to be happy and if an advertisement can show them that and "give" them that, then there is money to be made.

    1. I agree, If a person watches a commercial and it makes them happy they will buy that product even if it is bad for them

    2. I have to agree with Jalen. if u watch a commercial and whatever is advertised makes you feel happy then you can buy it. whenever i watch commercials and i see something i like. the next thing is that i call the number on the screen and purchase that particular item.

    3. Thanks Anthony

  2. .... we are suckers! They sure know what to do and how to do it. There is a lot of emotion of happiness of both of ads and why not want something that makes you happy? Advertising has a bigger effect than what I thought since learning the subject. The timing has to be perfect, because the ad that went on right before watching the clip, I could have cared less about and was more of an annoyance and inconvenience and I don't even know what it was about. To be interesting ads need to catch you right from the start and help us feel it is more important to pay attention to it, than what we were already paying attention to. I feel a lot of ads lack this these days ( thank goodness or i'd be broke)

  3. Something interesting to think about is, how much persuasion we really are susceptible to. I was driving down that main street, right off the freeway, towards Tooele and noticed all the billboards that line the side of the road, one after the other. These advertisements are "directing" us on: where to eat, where to sleep, where to shop, where to have vacations, and where to play (just to name a few.) Without all the advertising force fed to us, would we really know what to do with our selves? How would we know what we know?

  4. As much as all of the advertising affects us, advertisers are always trying to find the use of one word or one approach and use that to exploit the wants of humans. Sometimes I am on overload with all of the Ads that I see, but when I really see an Ad that I catches my attention, then I am curios in that product or service.

  5. in my psychology class we learned about the importance of what words can do and how to use them to our aadvantage to get the desired emotion we are looking for or how they can change peoples perspectives on things. these videos sure do prove that makes me wonder how much time and thought are gone into finding just the right words or phrase that will capture attention. its kind of like lying without lying in some cases.

  6. It's amazing how much ads/commercials work. People who spend all this time on figuring out what to say and how to say it, really do a good job at capturing attention. If it didn't capture our attention, then they would find new ways to advertise. As long as their products are selling, they are doing something right. Even if we don't like it.

  7. It certainly does give me the heebee jeebeez knowing people know how to manipulate each other.

  8. Choosing words wisely is very important for advertising. Espicially for trying to sell something that kills hundreds of people every year. Like in the "Mad Men: Its Toasted" clip he directs the buyers away from the negatives of the cigarette and says "its toasted." So people would just think about the cigarette being toasted and warm instead of all the other harmful things.
