Monday, October 15, 2012

"Ban on Fast Food TV Advertising"

Here is the link to our next reading:

"Ban on Fast Food TV Advertising"

Knowing the appeals used by print and TV advertisers, as well as the subtlety of the effects of the appeals, do you think a ban on fast food advertising during children's programming is appropriate? Do you think that it would be effective in curbing the obesity problem?  San Francisco has passed a similar measure that bans Happy Meal toys in meals that don't comply with a certain nutritional standard (here is a link to an article about it). Do you think that forcing corporations to take responsibility for obesity is effective?


  1. I don't think that it is right for us to blame our countries obese children on fast food commercials. Yes, obesity is a problem here, but to say that kids, with no money, are getting fat because of commercials is not right. Its the parents that take them to get the fast food that are the problem. I do see obesity as a problem, but instead of blaiming everyone else for it, we need to point the finger at who is really to blaim: ourselves.

    1. You are absolutely right! I don't see little kids get up from their dragon tails episode to go by themselves to go get some food from some fast food chain. If I ever saw a little kid by themselves ordering something with no one around... I'd have to say that kid is quite the baller.

    2. I agree, It the people eating the foods fault

  2. I'm such a sucker when it comes to fast food advertisment. I even was tempted to go to the nearest mcdonalds and go get myself a mcdouble just by looking at the picture that was provided by the article. It has a lot of power when it comes to fast food advertising. Especially when it is late at night when my food is digested and I'm starting to get hungry again... Terrible timing as I get suckered in quite a bit.

    1. i use to feel the same until i found out how the food commercials are made and what they do to even make it look good. its practically all fake. and then i get upset that the food i buy doesnt look half as good as the commercials. very lame

    2. yea, TC you got a point but, the taste is real... and it tastes real good! wait, is that a logical fallacy? i don't know any more. so self conscious.

    3. I agree with Jeremy, I always go out and buy food when i see it on TV

  3. I have to agree with you on that too. As an overweight man myself I too get those cravings especially at night. I just don't think fast food companies are to blame for fat people. I was so mad when I heard about the lady who was suing McDonalds for making her overweight. Its a disgrace to all us fatty's.

    1. i agree. cause with out without the advertisements, you still have your own will to choose to eat it or not. its not like they are forcing you.

  4. I totally agree with you guys. Fast food ads make me want to just jump out of my chair and run to McDonald's and satisfy that craving at times. Having said that, I know where my boundary line is. I make a choice in what I eat. People cant blame the TV fast food advertisement industry for what goes on in other peoples health. I agree that yes, in a way the ads are consuming people, but not completely.

  5. I felt that that this article presented a very good idea and that it is one that should continue to be looked at; however, I felt like they did not present enough information to lead me to believe that these kinds of ads really had an affect on childhood obesity...What do you think? Do you think they provided enough evidence to prove/sell their point?

  6. These ads are made to tempt you into buying their food. and obviously they are doing thier jobs or they wouldnt be on air. but they cannot force you to eat it. only compel you. like the toy in a kids meal. i think banning the advertisement isnt the answer. but rather serving healthy food. but people have there own free will to eat what they want.

  7. has anyone even looked into how the advertisements are made to look as good as they do? its not all real food. theres paint involved. cigarette smoke. and other tricks they use to make food look appealing. its kinda grose. no wonder the food i buy doesnt ever look like the tv ones.

  8. I really think that banning fast food commericals in kids tv programs won't have that big of an effect on the obesity rates. Even if kids want it does that mean they get it? No! It is up to the parents. Just because they see it on tv doesn't mean they are going to get it, or make it access to it any easier. It's just on tv.

    1. i agree with this statement. People are going to go and buy fast food whether there are tv commercials or not. Plus, it's not just fast food that causes our country to be obese.

    2. I agree with Kenzie. I don't think that banning fast food commercials in kids TV programs will have an effect in obesity rates.

    3. I agree, is mainly on the people watching

  9. I think that this article was pretty effective, but I did not really agree with it. Parents and the children still have to make a choice about whether or not they are going to listen to some of the crap that these fast food commercials make up. It is their fault, not the advertisements fault. They should limit themselves to the amount of television that they watch.

    1. Everything in moderation. If people would limit the amount of tv they watch, they would limit the number of these commercials they are exposed too. If you're filling your mind with stupidity, you cant be angry when you become stupid

    2. Everything is modernation is healthy, it's foolish if people beleive everything they see and hear off tv. People need to be smart enough to realize "oh hey maybe eating fastfood for every meal like they do on tv will turn me into a lard" People need to be smart enough to know what is healthy and what is not for them to be eating daily. The commericals really don't have much to do, sure they are promoting there product but everyone does that. Beer commercials use hot chicks as a way to sell their product but just because when a loser on the tv opens a beer and hot chicks start running doesn't mean thats going to happen to you in real life. Chances are drinking a beer isn't going to have any different kind of effect on you. Commericals are there to promote their product its up to us weather or not we fall for what they are saying.

  10. I dont think that banning fast food commercials on tv will help the current obesity problem. I dont think its the commercials that are the problem. The problem is that fast food is just so much faster to get, cheaper, and more convenient. Maybe what would help is if someone made a healthy fast food place that also has low prices, is made fast, and tastes good. But what makes the food taste good is all the fat it has in it and stuff. So making healthy food taste good would probaly be expensive. Like compare fast food to a resturant. Big difference in prices, how much time is needed to make it, and the nutrition.
