Wednesday, September 19, 2012

What's the Matter With Kids Today?

What's the Matter With Kids Today?

In our class discussion of this article, we seemed to agree on the idea that, if kids use common sense and self-control, technology can be a powerful learning tool and an outlet for creative expression. Here's my question: can we really rely on teens, or even their parents, to apply self-control and establish limits in their use of technology?


  1. When reading "Can You Hear Me Now" I kept waiting for it to discuss the problem with Facebook. It was mentioned briefly, but I don't think it was talked about enough. I truely think that Facebook is a real problem with our society. People tend to spend all day living on this social network and I belive that it is damaging how people interact with people when face to face. I used to own a Facebook page but found it to be useless. I actually just deleted it about a week ago because I prefer face to face interaction with people. Am I the only one that feels this way about that pointless ANTIsocial network?

    1. I feel the same way. I just don't have the courage to delete facebook because it's the way I still make plans with my friends and have a lot of pictures on there. But yes you are right that we have lost so much social skill that it's really sad how we now "hang out" in cyberspace rather than with eachother.

  2. What do you Guys think about this article. I disagreed when the writer of the article said that teens today don't read anymore, she said that all teens do is to play with the electronics.. Wen know that teens today have been taken over by technology but that doesnt mean that it applies to all teens. We can say most teens are already addicted to technology but not all of them.

    1. It says that teens are addicted to technology, but most teens now read more because of technology then they would before. Having all these different online sites, blogs, ect, is making teens read more then with out them. I know for me I read alot more becase of all the online sites I visit. Like twitter. That is all reading. lol. I know that if I didn't go on all the site I do daily I would not read as much as I do. Reading is reading, it doesn't matter what you are reading.

  3. I really liked the comment the author made about how we should encourage the way that kids are learning today, even if that means using the internet and technology to do so. What do you think? Would this be something to encourage or would it not?

    1. Just as we teach children how to ride a bike, the importance of homework, and how to speak with manors. we need to teach children how to conduct themselves on the internet. if we teach the right lessons from the beginning technology taking over teens lives or them becoming absorbed by it will be far less likely

  4. I enjoyed reading through this article, as it went along with the way that we are evolving and needing to adapt ( just the same way we have been in the past) however I do feel that there could be a little more control. I personally see my brothers wasting away in front of the x-box or watching you tube when on the internet. If any of you have the same experience, do you know of what works to help limit their time or how to handle something like this so they are interested in other things?

    1. I agree to a point, yes I think that teens need to limit there time on the computer to what is healthy. Obivously sitting infront of the computer all day is not healthy, you need to also have some physical activity in hyour life. When I was younger we had a "Computer nanny" thats just a program on the computer where you could be on it for an hour, either all at once of you could space it through out the day, after the hour was up on your account the computer would log you off, and shut you out for the rest of the day. I found that helpful cause after my time was up there was no getting around it, I had to find something else to do, like go out side(:

  5. Can you hear me now- Reading through the article, I thought the article focused on a lot of negativity but had a really good point. She speaks a lot on her opinion and points out those that are "lost" in technology. I feel the same way though, that we could do better at doing more face to face things instead of wasting time talking over the internet. However if face to face isn't possible I can see how internet only helps our relationships. Personally though, I think we've used the new technologies in a way that we haven't used them wisely and are distancing ourselves does anyone else feel the same way or do you feel we are now closer than ever? .

    1. I also believe that because of technology, we as human beings, have no idea how to communicate with each other; unless we are using text, email, etc. We are able to live dual lives. People are able to act one way when they are communicating with technology and then turn around 180 degrees and act differently when they are in person.

    2. I think that with the advent of the new technology it will separate people who are more comfortable communicating electronically from those who prefer peer to peer communication, however with sites like reddit becoming super popular communication hubs who knows which might develop into more useful form of communication.

  6. I think that having a Facebook is just like having a cell phone or a game console or something. It's going to be there and yes sometimes you can spend hours or even your whole day on it, but just like any other thing, you have the will to say no to it. No one is forcing you to constantly check Facebook or any other social network. Once it starts to become a huge distraction people just need to have some self-control and set a limit to how much time they spend on it. There's more to life than being on a social network all day.

    1. You are very right, everyone has a choice to say no. Although for Facebook , people become addicted to the using it and do not know how to stop. They still have that choice, but Facebook has become such a part of there lives, that it is very hard for them to use self control. People need to limit technology before it become too much apart of their lives.

    2. I agree that technology can be hard to put down, however im not sure the solution is to limit technology as much as being trained to use it in the appropriate amounts and times

  7. I believe that we can expect teens to use self control and limit themselves with electronics. Teens learn all throughout school of the negative effects that the internet and other technologies can have on you if you do not use them wisely. If teens are smart enough to get a job and go to college, then they should be able to limit themselves with technology.

    1. This is true. I don't believe teens go straight to bad sights or use technology in the wrong way. I think that they are introduced to the negatives by friends, media, etc and are pressured into using them negatively until it's too late and they've lost all self control. I really believe that it all comes down to self control as you suggested.

  8. I think if we give teens the open ability to roam the web freely there bound to use it in the wrong way. Their teens, you cant just leave a plate of food in front of a dog and not expect him to tip it over. Its inevitable.

    1. good point. even if by accident its bound to happen. for example, "you've just won (item)". teens, thinking its true, may click on it to find themselves on a sight that introduces them to bad sights or a spilled plate of food. this opportunity can grow with the ability of freely being able to roam any sight.

    2. I disagree i think that teens can have self control with what they are doing on the internet.They are in maturing stages of their life they should be able to explore and learn.

    3. I disagree too. I think that teenagers are at the point in there lives where they are learning and growing and making choices for themselves. And if mistakes are made to learn from there mistakes. I think teeenagers should have to choice to freely roam the internet.

    4. I also disagree, what youre saying is paramount to not letting kids out into real life just because the run the risk of seeing or doing something bad. teens should be educated by parents or guardians as to whats right and wrong far before this in life, and they should be educated that the internet is no different.

    5. i don't think there is a wrong way to use the internet. but if we all used the internet in its "intended" way, we would all be bored to death. self control is important, but some people learn from their mistakes.

    6. Very good point. Teens are naturally going to go out and cause trouble. There needs to be some sort of restriction on them. I think a leash would work perfectly.

    7. Teens need the chance to explore things for themselves
