Sunday, October 7, 2012

"Advertising's 15 Basic Appeals"

Here is the link to a PDF of Jib Fowles' article, "Advertising's 15 Basic Appeals." Although the advertisements he uses as examples are pretty old, the appeals are still applicable to todays ads. Can you think of current ads that fit the appeals that Fowles lists? Do you think there are any appeals that he missed or that should be included in the list?


  1. I believe that a big appeal that he missed really big is humor. He may discuss it a little, but humor was not as big as in the old days as it is know, especially because of the emergence of commercials and TV ads. People love to laugh and have a need to laugh. When they see a service or product that makes them laugh, they are more likely to want to research it and find out more about it. Humor needs its own separate group of appeal because some ads these days are purely humorous and is why they appeal to us.

    1. I agree, Humor is one of the main things that advertisers use to attract the viewers attention to their product. When someone sees a really funny commercial they are more likely to remember the product and when they see it in the store they want to buy it

    2. I think this is the case because of all of the restraints in place on what is socially acceptable. A lot of humor can come across as inappropriate for some audiences.

    3. the funny ones are the main ones that stick in my mind. i remember them easily cause if they moved me enough to make me laugh, then it must be pretty good. humor definately needs its own character especially now that its so common in our day.

  2. I believe one of the big appeals that he missed was the need for adventure. It may be included with the need to escape. This is my question....Do you feel that the need for adventure and the need to escape are the same thing?

    1. I believe they are very similar, if not the same, due to the fact that adventures take us on a retreat from our day-to-day routines. I think almost every ad used portrayed a form of escape.

    2. i agree with chris. because just cause i want to escape sometimes doesnt mean i want an adventure. an escape can be just going someplace to relax or find your self in a different environment and mood. where adventure strikes me more as a little more outgoing and putting forth of energy.

    3. Another thing that I feel the need for adventure does is to creates rushes of adrenalin. That is what I would be looking for in a need for adventure.

  3. Reading this article was definitely an eye brow raiser for me. I never thought about how ads could lure and affect people. After reading the article I became more aware of what ads were trying to say to us. They really do serve a purpose. Many of us would probably have to agree that we get annoyed with ads on TV because we don't care what they are selling and we just want to get back to our drama shows or whatever. The advertisement industry knows this, but they don't care. As long as they see that their ads are helping boost profit sales then their happy.

    1. It's kind of sickening isn't it? I am in the in the same category as you as I had no idea how much effect the advertising industry had on us. And they know exactly what they are doing and how to do it. It's incredible!.

  4. i never cared to think about the different catagories that ads could go into. there are definately ones i dont care about and others that strike me more. which would make the point right? it makes me wonder why some companies choose the ones they do? but in my opinion i feel the author is missing the catagory of the nonsensical ones. cause there are some commercials that seem to just be there without any reason at all then to take up space. the ones that dont advertise anything specific. is it just me that feels that way?

    1. I feel the same way. There's not a lot out there, but once in a while I feel there are space wasters out there. I'll be listening to or watching an advertisement and think, " What was that about again?" And then I think of if the company reviewed or edited the advertisement at all because of how horrible it was, and how it felt exactly of the category you are speaking of, -"nonsensical"

  5. the appeals were really funny. i liked the one where the lady put her hand on the mans butt. What do you guys think?

  6. What appeals did you guys like the most?

  7. There are many ads I can think of that fit Fowels list. Like the need for sex. There are many ads out there that use attractive women in their ads and of course their target audience is men. Many of the Axe spray commercials use women. If you want to see one of the axe commercials check this one out in youtube and you tell me what appeals are being used here: The AXE Effect - Women - Billions. The title says it all. There are "billions" of women that run to a guy that is spraying Axe on himself. Need for sex right?
