Thursday, September 13, 2012

Audiobooks, anyone?

I had to post this ad because I found it really interesting--I've mentioned in class that I'm resistant to e-readers, and yet, while I was working on my master's degree, I did quite a bit of my "reading" via audio files on my iPod. The problem was trying to go back and forth between the printed text and the audio.  Here's the solution to that problem! I may have to buy a Kindle now! (Ha :)) What do you think? Could you convert to audiobooks?


  1. This could come in so handy. Sometimes I just don't want to put my book down, but I have to leave for work or school. It would be so nice to continue where I left off on my way to work, and also listen while I am at work. I am not a huge fan of audio books in general, so it would be nice to read when possible but also nice to listen when I'm so wrapped up in a book but not able to read.

    1. I think that I could convert to audio books, especially with the way this service offers it. The problem is I just cannot ever get into a book. When I hear things though, they stick deeper into my mind than just by reading them. Plus I could read a book, even if I am busy doing something else. The best way to multitask, read a book and do housework. I could be productive in two different ways at the same time. I cannot fully read a book on an e-reader, but with this service I think I could.

    2. I personally wouldn't be able to use an audiobook. I have to have the book in my face in order for me to focus. If I'm just listening my mind wanders and I'm thinking about a thousand different things. If I could be focused while listening it would be really nice. I understand why people would like it, but it wouldn't work for me.

    3. I haven't heard of audio books since elementary school. If i were to listen it would have to be alone and with a book to follow along.

  2. I love audio books, I used to travel quite frequently and they were super convenient for me. far better than a movie.

  3. if all audiobooks were narrated by Microsoft sam; i would listen to EVERYTHING!

  4. What a great way to make us even lazier. Now we don't even have to read the books we are reading.

    1. I agree with Lance, we will only become lazier
