Wednesday, September 12, 2012

"Mind Over Mass Media"

"Mind Over Mass Media"

Do you agree with Pinker that "[t]he effects of consuming electronic media are...likely to be far more limited than the panic implies"? Or do you think we need to be more concerned about the world's steady diet of information that is fast-paced but lacking depth?


  1. I agree with Pinker. We need to be aware that an information overload of the wrong kind of information can hurt the brain, but to a limit. The whole world does not need to panic. I believe that as our technology innovates, so does our information. People become more aware of the information that has depth as they innovate and explore different ideas that lack depth.

  2. I liked the part of the article that said that "Accompished people dont bulk up their brains with intellectual calesthenics' they immerse themselves in their fields". I thought that part of the article was interesting.
    Why do you guys think?

    1. I think that statement was hit right on the head. The way that people excel in their respective fields, I feel, is by studying, learning, practicing and immersing themselves in what they are doing. It's just like a basketball player; if he didn't study, learn or practice the game, he wouldn't be very good. The truly great basketball players are those who totally immerse themselves in every aspect of the game. I feel that is the same way for employees, students, and those with careers. They will be truly great as they immerse themselves in what they are doing.

    2. I also agree with Pinker. Technology is on a constant rise. I also like what Alec said. He says, " I believe that as our technology innovates, so does our information." I believe that to every aspect. I gain more information when I read texts that inform and I come away with even more information that I did before having read the text. Technology is also fun! Who doesn't like watching instant movies on your I-phone, computer, laptop, etc? technology has enabled us to do just that. There should be no worry about how technology is affecting us. I think the people who are more concerned with the problem of technology are seeing the worse side than the good side. Being able to control ourselves and know when to move away from Facebook and other things, keeps us in line with how we rely on technology and have time away from it.

    3. Im inclined to disagree here, there are many jobs where people need to know many things from many different fields in order to be successful or good at their job, one such job would be a navy coremen in the marine core. They need to be a proficient solider, an excellent medic, and proficient in orientering and thats just to name a few. The same may end up being true for information from the internet, it may benefit up and coming bloggers or people who need fast paced info without any of the fluffer words, just raw info

  3. I also agree, technology is always changing, but always to our needs. The article stated "But such panics often fail basic reality checks," since newer technologies are coming out doesn't mean the way we use to do things is gonna fail. Just like the examples with power point were given.

    1. I agree here, just because technologies change it doesn't mean new ways of doing things will be mandatory, only that what we used to do will become a streamlines process.

  4. The part that stood out to me the most in the article was when Pinker said, "Yes, the constant arrival of information packets can be distracting or addictive... But distraction is not a new phenomenon. The solution is not to bemoan technology but to develop strategies of self-control, as we do with every other temptation in life," and I think this is so true. What do you guys think?

    1. I agree, i dont think we would even need to "develop strategies", Its as simple as saying "hey i have work that needs to be done" or "I have family that I should spend time with" . I think we already have these self control strategies in place. what about anyone else?

  5. the panic will blow over, the boogie man adapts as well as we do. the sooner we can agree to collectively disagree... we can live happily.

    1. I gotta say I love your comments, Hugo. You always have such a great perspective on life.

    2. I totally agrewith Hugo
