Wednesday, September 12, 2012

"The ABCs of E-Reading"

So, what did you think about "The ABCs of E-Reading"? If you are not an avid reader of e-books, did this convince you to run out and buy a Kindle? If you already own some kind of electronic reader, did this justify your purchase and make you feel superior to those of us who are digging in our heels, resisting technology, and clinging to our beat-up paperbacks?


  1. I do have a e-reader a "nook", i bought it out of hype but it really does come in handy in a lot of cases. If i didn't have a "nook" i don't think i would have picked up a book outside of school. Does anybody else agree?

    1. I liked to read before I bought my nook, but having my nook now has definitely made me read more. I can buy books with the touch of a button and start reading right away, whereas before I'd have to go to the store or library. I guess it's made me more lazy, but I certainly do buy more books to read on my nook.

    2. I agree.. I have an ipad that I read on and it makes reading a lot easier and less of a hassle to go out to a bookstore or a library to find a book

    3. I prefer to read on my i-pad. It is easier to pack around on long drives, or airplane rides. When I finish one book, I don't have to wait to get another from a library or store I can have many different ones on my i-pad, and buy them right there At any time! My i-pad definetly makes me read alot more then I would if I didn't have it.

    4. Great points

  2. I personally think that I would like an e-reader and I feel like that I would use it quite a bit; however, I personally have a hard time reading on a screen then I do when I'm actually reading real pages. My question to the class is, Do you read better on a screen (like and e-reader)? Do you read better when you are reading actual pages? Or does it not matter for you?

    1. I have actually never really noticed a difference based on the screen of an E-Book, but I do tend to find it easier to read while laying in bed. You don't have to flip pages or turn the book when changing from the left page to the right page, which sounds kinda of lazy, but if I'm reading in bed all I want is to be lazy.

    2. i personally prefer pages over a screen better. stairing at a screen gives me headaches. i find that when i read real pages that i can read without realizing im reading words. often times i will stop reading, feeling like i had just lived or actually seen the experience. i dont even remember that there were words involved. i dont get that same experience on a screen.

    3. I read a ton better in real book. First of all it is very hard for me to get into a book, then if I try to read it on an e-reader, it is even harder. I would much rather read a print book. I do however like e-readers because of the games you can play on them.

    4. easy, i read better listening to a book with my eyes closed. check and mate!

    5. There is a big difference between the two. I feel if I'm gonna be looking at a screen, I might as well watch the movie.

  3. I dont have an e-reader and I've never read from an e-reader, but I have read off of computers and ipads and really to me, reading is reading. I dont have a preference. But if someone told me to read a book and asked me whether I wanted a e-reader or the 500 page book, I would choose the e-reader only because it would be more portable. I think its good that people are finding different ways for people to read. I dont know why it seems like there's a competition between electronicly reading and the old fashioned book reading. I think that they real point for both of them is to get people to read; reading is the big thing here. They both have its pros and cons. The e-reader is just an electronicly advanced version of the book. Who knows, there might even be something that will surpass an e-reader or ipad in the future. What do you guys think?

  4. making mountains out of mole hills, this is just more them vs. us nonsense. so let me end this futile fight against paperbacks with the only truth you need to know; books smell delicious!

    1. Straight out of Whitby's mouth. ha ha I do actually have to agree with it though. Books do have an interesting aroma that is quite inticing.
