Wednesday, November 7, 2012

"Drug Representatives"

Looking over Isaacson's essay, what do you think he did well? What do you think he could have improved?


  1. Isascson's essay was very informative, I can tell it is suppose to be argumentative, but it just needs a little extra "umph" to get it to where we can see what side Issacson is on or exactly what he is trying to argue. He did a great job with backing up his claims though and gave great evidence with great research. This gives a reader much appreciation for the facts given.

    1. I also thought it was informative because he did not really state his opinion. Also if he would of gave a plan to facilitate the opinion he gave, then the essay could have been more persuading, that just informing.

    2. i also concur, twas very informative.lacking a plan? such a foolish mistake. right guys?

    3. I agree with Jeremy as well

  2. Star Wars: When I read this article, to be honest I'm torn on both sides of the argument. I've never even thought of the idea that an artist could change their art. Also I can understand that the art becomes grown upon the people, but how does it actually belong to the people? To me this sounds sort of greedy, and we should be appreciative of the art that has been presented in the past. I must say though, it is disappointing to know that an artist can change their original work of art.

    1. I am kind of with you. I like star wars just the way it is. I have seen the original versions and really like those, but am not super torn by the technological changes.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. It was kinda argumentative.He backed up all his idea on all the points he introduced.
